Chapter by Chapter: Pre-Loved Books
Give second-hand books a new home
Let's give great pre-loved books a second chance
Pre-owned books are forgotten
Pre-owned books are often forgotten after you've finished reading them. Instead of sitting on the shelf collecting dust, these books can go to a new home and make another reader happy!
Second-hand books seen as unworthy
New, shiny books are a wonderful gift to anyone and everyone, but what about pre-owned books? These pre-loved books, no matter how great they are, can be seen as worth less. However, these books still tell their own wonderful story.
Find the right book for you

The Weight of Blood
Tiffany D Jackson
A fantastic retelling of 'Carrie' and the perfect YA horror/thriller for the Halloween season!

I Have Some Questions For You
Rebecca Makkai
So many gray areas that make you think, and feel uncomfortable, but so important as well.