Home Book reviews A Mercy

A Mercy

The narrative was hard to follow at times as the chapters switch and it’s not always clear who’s speaking. The chapters could also be quite long which made it hard to pick up or have my attention held-especially when it was dragging in the beginning.

I had a really hard time focusing and wanting to continue reading, unlike other Morrison novels. Finally, by the second half, I started to enjoy it more and figure out whose voice was whose!

I was intrigued by the setting, time period, and characters. It was interesting getting the different perspectives from 4 very different women!

I felt so sure because of the rough start, that this would only be 3/3.5 stars and my least fave Morrison but the last chapter threw me for a loop and I ended up feeling it was worth 4 stars for that chapter alone!

Morrison always has a way with words and even in these slim novels, she packs some powerful emotions and complicated characters with their own unique voices! I can’t wait to continue reading the rest of Morrison’s works and I’ll be a little sad when I finish.

Posted on: Apr 3, 2024