Girl with a Pearl Earring
The book was a little slow to start and Chevalier is very descriptive in everyday scenes and actions, which I sometimes appreciate but other times it felt like a bit too much and found myself losing what was happening in the story.
I liked the tidbits about art and how people are perceived in paintings based on where they look, how they dress, their expressions, etc. I’m a huge art history nerd so it’s always fun to learn about the interpretations of artwork, and the backstory (fictional or otherwise). It was also fun to have Dutch words and places thrown in throughout the story because it was a nice little practice session for my pronunciation. It was also enjoyable to hear about Dutch life back in the 1600s. I hope to read more books by the author as well as books about famous art pieces!
Posted on: May 4, 2022 Last updated at: Jun 16, 2023