Olga Dies Dreaming
The book is character driven and told through third person POVs, switching mainly between Prieto and Olga. We do also get some other character POVs plus letters between the two MCs and their mother.
The character development was very well done, they felt so believable and multi dimensional watching them grow! I also enjoyed the writing style, making it feel like I was at the weddings and in the Hamptons or New York City.
Love getting to know the characters. They’re all flawed and complex, Olga especially isn’t always likeable but that’s what made her interesting! I also learned a lot of Puerto Rico and the diasporas culture.
Mainly a story about family, grief, American dream, corruption, colonialism, and how people pleasing/constantly seeking validation from outside sources can affect you. I really related to how both Olga and Prieto feel the need to do what makes everyone else happy or proud of them, and in the process losing yourself and your own sense of fulfillment!
I didn’t want to put the book down, and it’s an extraordinary debut novel, so I can’t wait to read Gonzalez’s next book.